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NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Committee Chair, Jason Talley and his team at Talley Benefits Insurance Group, LLC, have been busy meeting with legislators this month including District 31 Representative Ryan Guillen at their office and U.S. Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz, from the 15th Congressional District of Texas during her 2nd Annual Dove Hunt.

NAIFA-Texas works hard to protect your industry and the interest of your clients. We're monitoring the Texas Department of Insurance, the Texas State Securities Board, the Texas Ethics Commission, the Teacher Retirement System, and other agencies/organizations for new and changing rules to keep you informed.

The campaign season is our opportunity to monitor candidates running for local, state, and federal office and cultivate relationships in preparation for the next legislative session. The NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Committee works tirelessly to promote the importance of having these relationships with our elected officials. We also coordinate member participation in campaign events in respective districts. 

To learn more or to become involved please contact the NAIFA-Texas Executive Director, Renae Davies

Please enjoy some of the photos captured during these recent meetings with legislators.


Talley Benefits Insurance Group with Texas District 31 State Representative Ryan Guillen


Talley Benefits Insurance Group with Texas District 31 State Representative Ryan Guillen


NAIFA Texas GR Chair Jason Talley with Texas District 31 State Representative Ryan Guillen


2nd Annual South Texas Dove Hunt with U.S. Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz representing the 15th Congressional District of Texas and U.S. Congressman Guy Reschenthaler, representing the 14th Congressional District of Pennsylvania


Talley Benefits Insurance Group at the 2nd Annual South Texas Dove Hunt with U.S. Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz




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