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NAIFA-Dallas held a Membership Luncheon Meeting on January 25, 2024. They were joined by NAIFA-Texas President, Jim Thompson, who conducted the installation of the 2024 NAIFA-Dallas Board of Directors. 

Brent Hill will be serving as the 2024 Dallas Chapter President with Benjamin Gerald serving as President-Elect and Derek True serving as Secretary. Staley Shiller was recognized during the luncheon as the Immediate-Past President and was given a Presidential Scrapbook and commemorative gavel. 

John Norman is serving as the Chief Investment Officer with Lane Boozer as the National Liaison and Carrie Sayre as the FSP Liaison. Kristy Osborn, Aaron Peck, and Caleb Ludd are serving as Directors. Robin Skillingberg is Chair of the YAT Team. Mike Evans and Dawn Pemberton are serving on the Volunteer Committee.

Please enjoy some of the photos captured during the event.


Board photo of 2024 taken following installation by Texas President, Jim Thompson at luncheon. 


Lifetime Achievement Award Winner, Randy Robertson, Local Leader of the Year, Mike Evans, with Jim Thompson.


Andra Grava, Steve Harris, Danny Fisher (all past presidents of Dallas)


Texas President, Jim Thompson, and Dallas Immediate Past President, Staley Shiller


Presentation of Presidential scrapbook and gavel to 2023 Dallas President, Staley Shiller.

