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NAIFA-Dallas held their 2025 Annual Awards & Celebration of Achievement Dinner this month to honor the Mel Meyers Member of the Year Award and the OC Jackson Hall of Fame Award recipients. 

The Mel Meyers Member of the Year award is based on service to the industry, specifically service to NAIFA-Dallas and to the community for the last 3 years. This year's selected recipient for this award is Aaron M. Peck, ChFC, CASL, RICP, LUTCF

The OC Jackson Hall of Fame award is for lifetime achievement and contributions to the insurance and finance industry. The selected recipient for this award is NAIFA-Dallas Past President, Grover C. Brillhart, II, NSSA.

Please enjoy some of the photos captured during the event.

Grover and Joyce Hetzel

2024 NAIFA-Dallas O.C. Jackson Hall of Fame Award Recipient: NAIFA-Dallas Past President, Grover C. Brillhart (right) with date Joyce Hetzel (left)

winners Aaron and Grover show off trophies

2024 NAIFA-Dallas Mel Meyers Member of the Year Award Recipient: Aaron M. Peck (left) with 2024 NAIFA-Dallas O.C. Jackson Hall of Fame Award Recipient: NAIFA-Dallas Past President, Grover C. Brillhart (right)

Cheri Stanwix

Cheri Stanwix collecting her door prize. Cheri is a NAIFA-Dallas Past President and past recipient of the Mel Meyers Member of the Year Award (2018)

Benjamin GeraldNAIFA-Dallas President, Benjamin Gerald draws door prize winners

Nik NixonNAIFA-Dallas member, Nik Nixon winning a door prize

 John Norman introduces Grover Brillhart
NAIFA-Dallas Past President, John Norman introducing Grover Brillhart (right)

Lane Boozer recognizes past recipients in attendance
NAIFA-Dallas Past President, Lane Boozer recognizing previous award recipients in attendance at this year's event. 

Aaron Peck and Chris Carrion, who introduced Aaron.
2024 NAIFA-Dallas Mel Meyers Member of the Year Award Recipient: Aaron M. Peck (left) with Chris Carrion, who introduced Aaron during the event


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