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1 min read

2023 Annual State Conference Speaker Preview: Holly Hoffman

By NAIFA-Texas on 12/16/22 11:05 AM

Holly Hoffman
Professional Speaker and Author
Topics: #NAIFAProud NAIFA-Texas State Conference
1 min read

2023 Annual State Conference Speaker Preview: Traci Brown

By NAIFA-Texas on 12/12/22 3:13 PM

Traci Brown
Fraud-Busting Body Language Expert
Topics: #NAIFAProud NAIFA-Texas State Conference
3 min read

Increasing Awareness and Education for Texans

By NAIFA-Texas on 9/27/22 12:04 PM

A Message from NAIFA-Texas and TALHI

Texans across the state are more aware of life insurance than they have been for decades. Governor Abbott recently proclaimed September 2022 to be Life Insurance Awareness Month in Texas. 

Topics: #NAIFAProud
1 min read

NAIFA-Texas Welcomes 2023 Annual State Conference Sponsor, Four Oaks Medicare Experts

By NAIFA-Texas on 6/29/22 9:15 AM

Please join us in welcoming our 2023 Annual State Conference Welcome Reception Sponsor, Four Oaks Medical Experts. Four Oaks is a family-first insurance company. Their founders, Jamon and Paula White, are experts in Medicare and specialize in determining the most appropriate Medicare insurance plan for you. 
Topics: #NAIFAProud NAIFA-Texas State Conference Legislative Day Texas
2 min read


By NAIFA-Texas on 6/28/22 8:59 AM


When Joshua Ruble graduated from college, he didn’t plan on a career in insurance. However, when a friend suggested a Risk Management Advisor role in Dallas, he quickly took the opportunity and relocated from Oregon.

As a Risk Management Advisor at C1 Insurance Group, Ruble works primarily with high-net-worth families insuring their homes, autos, valuables, and more. He enjoys building relationships with his clients and educating them on the risks they face and consulting on how to best prepare for those disasters. One experience that stood out to him in particular came during a winter freeze. He insured a family’s home with extensive water damage protection through one of his premier carriers. Following the freeze, the home sustained extreme water damage. Not only was the damage repaired to the extent of $750,000, but all the work was completed in six months. Ruble’s client expressed his gratitude, saying, “Your service, responsiveness, and the way you keep your customers updated is truly on a different level than others.”

As a NAIFA member, Ruble is excited to network with and learn from other industry professionals. “I want to be more well-rounded in my knowledge of my industry, as well as others that will best serve my clients,” he says. 

Outside of the office, Ruble enjoys spending time with his wife and 2-year-old daughter. He appreciates the opportunity his career gives him to provide for and spend time with his family. His daughter loves animals, so the family visits zoos and museums often. Ruble is also an avid sports fan, loves hosting gatherings of friends, and stays involved in his community through his church and his daughter’s school. 

Thank you, Joshua, for your hard work and dedication. We look forward to a bright future in the association for you and are #NAIFAproud to call you one of our own.

Topics: #NAIFAProud Membership Texas Advocacy NAIFA-Dallas Texas
1 min read

NAIFA-Texas Professional Book Club

By NAIFA-Texas on 6/2/22 10:15 AM

You are invited to join NAIFA-Texas and Books Made Easy for a collaborative virtual Book Club this summer! The Book Club is exclusive to current NAIFA-Texas members only. The book club is complimentary following the purchase of our assigned book.

Topics: #NAIFAProud Books

SAVE THE DATE! NAIFA-Texas 2023 Annual State Conference

By NAIFA-Texas on 5/26/22 2:52 PM

Please save the Date for the NAIFA-Texas 2023 Annual State Conference that is scheduled for February 21-23, 2023 in Austin, Texas! Visit the NAIFA-Texas website for all information related to the conference! Get ready to join your fellow NAIFA-Texas members for a multi-day event filled with educational sessions, networking opportunities, and camaraderie!
Topics: #NAIFAProud NAIFA-Texas State Conference Legislative Day Texas
7 min read

DI Isn't Hard It's Just, DIfferent

By NAIFA-Texas on 5/9/22 10:49 AM

NAIFA-Texas Disability Insurance Awareness Webinar Recap

Topics: Disability Insurance #NAIFAProud Disability Income Insurance Disability Insurance Awareness Month
1 min read

September Member Spotlight - Lane Boozer

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 9/1/21 12:19 PM

This month we are joined by a familiar face. Lane Boozer currently serves as NAIFA-Dallas President and served as NAIFA-Texas President from 2014-2015. A Denton, Texas native, Lane works for his father's brokerage firm, Don Boozer & Associates. Lane's father is also a NAIFA-Texas Past President!
Since becoming a NAIFA member in 1998, Lane has built an extensive resume of involvement-- from being a LILI graduate, to serving on the NAIFA-Texas Board of Directors, and a long list of committees. In his spare time, Lane gets in touch with his musical side and being a part of his band, Kitty and the Beard. He also enjoys woodworking, barbeque, and countless activities around Denton and the great state of Texas.
Topics: #NAIFAProud Members Member Spotlight

Changes to Texas Agent Licensing & Certifications

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 8/9/21 1:05 PM

Did you miss the changes #txlege passed this session in relation to agent licensing and certification? Texas Department of Insurance hosted a webinar discussing what agents should be looking out for! View the recording here.

Topics: Certifications & Designations #NAIFAProud Members
