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Texas Department of Insurance Issues Bulletin

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 7/14/21 12:40 PM

The Texas Department of Insurance has issued a bulletin listing major changes to agent licensing provisions during the 87th Legislature. Those include:

Topics: Certifications & Designations Advocacy #NAIFAProud Legislation & Regulations State Advocacy

Special Session Begins!

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 7/8/21 10:00 AM

The 87th Texas Legislature is back in the Capitol today to start their first special session of the year. (Yes, that means there are more to come!)

Governor Abbott called the legislature back to Austin to address certain legislative priorities that did failed to pass or were not addressed during the regular session. The call items for what the Texas House and Senate must pass can be found here. Items include banning the teaching of critical race theory in public schools, election and voting protocols, social media censorship, bail reform, and more. 

NAIFA-Texas will be monitoring the special session and providing updates to our membership.

Topics: Advocacy #NAIFAProud Legislation & Regulations State Advocacy

July Member Spotlight: Les Littleton, CLU, LUTCF

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 7/7/21 2:00 PM

July's Member Spotlight is on NAIFA-Texas Past President and NAIFA Pineywoods of East Texas member, Les Littleton, CLU, LUTCF!

Topics: #NAIFAProud Members Member Spotlight
1 min read

Performance + Purpose 2021: Redefine the Lines

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 7/1/21 2:26 PM

The event this year is focused on creating an interactive experience for participants. The conference will include break-out sessions for book signings with speakers, gamification, and TED-talk style sessions to allow attendees to "choose their own adventure" to spice up their Zoom experience and deliver top-notch training to help you expand your book of business.

Topics: #NAIFAProud Networking Continuing Education Professional Development Membership
1 min read

NAIFA Austin Kicking Off to Q4!

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 7/1/21 2:03 PM

Save the date and kickoff the 4th quarter by joining NAIFA-Austin for a special CE and happy hour event on Wednesday, August 4th 2021 at the University of Texas Golf Club. 
Topics: #NAIFAProud Networking Continuing Education Professional Development Membership
1 min read

87th #TxLege By The Numbers

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 6/22/21 1:30 PM

On June 8th, NAIFA-Texas members participated in the comeback of our Quarterly Lobbyist Updates. NAIFA-Texas lobbyist, Elizabeth Hadley, delivered a very comprehensive breakdown of bills our association had been working on, as well as, other big ticket priorities (COVID-19 relief, ERCOT reform, health care expansion, broadband expansion, voting integrity, etc.) for Speaker Dade Phelan, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, and Governor Greg Abbott. 

Topics: Advocacy #NAIFAProud Legislation & Regulations Leadership Membership
1 min read

June is Annuity Awareness Month!

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 6/17/21 2:34 PM

In 2010, the National Association for Fixed Annuities (NAFA) designated June as National Annuity Awareness Month (NAAM) to help educate Americans on the important role of annuities as part of a secure retirement savings plan. Annuities can be an integral part of your clients’ long-term retirement planning strategy, providing direction to help them overcome unnecessary risks and important optional benefits that help them to protect their financial future.

During the 87th Legislative Session, NAIFA-Texas played a key role in passing HB 1777.  This piece of legislation will require agent and insurers to follow a "Best Interest" standard for annuity products. To act in the best interest of the consumer, the agent is required to satisfy four obligations – the care, disclosure, conflict of interest, and documentation obligations. HB 1777 will harmonize the standard of care for annuities across regulatory platforms.

NAIFA-Texas is very excited this bill passed in time for Annuity Awareness Month. Click here to read more about annuities! 

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities #NAIFAProud Leadership Annuity Awareness Month

TLRT Kickoff Event

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 6/16/21 5:59 PM

Mark your calendars for Texas Leaders Roundtable's Kickoff Event on Thursday, October 21, 2021. This will be an in-person event in Houston, Texas!

Topics: #NAIFAProud Networking Grow Your Business Leadership Small Business
1 min read

NAIFA-TX & Principal Event - June 16th

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 6/9/21 2:17 PM

Join NAIFA-Texas sponsor, Principal Financial Group, on June 16th as they present a leadership directed virtual discussion panel! 

Topics: Advocacy #NAIFAProud Grow Your Business Leadership Small Business State Advocacy Member Spotlight

That's a Wrap On The 87th #TxLege!

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 6/2/21 5:10 PM

The 87th Texas Legislative Session is over... for now. This session has been anything but ordinary. However, that did not stop NAIFA-Texas from making our presence known, both inside the Capitol, as well as, virtually.  Members- Find out how our legislative priorities stacked up next Tuesday, June 8th at 10 AM as our lobbyist, Elizabeth Hadley, provides a legislative review and an outlook of what is to come! Click here to register for this exclusive member-only virtual event!

Topics: Advocacy #NAIFAProud State Advocacy Member Spotlight
