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4 min read

Life Insurance Is Love Insurance

By NAIFA-Texas on 2/6/25 2:02 PM


February is Insure Your Love Month, an annual campaign created and coordinated by NAIFA’s Life Happens community. The theme for this year’s commemoration is a simple yet impactful message: Life insurance is love insurance.

The purpose of Insure Your Love Month is to remind Americans that the basic motivation behind the purchase of life insurance is that you love someone and want to protect them financially. Insure Your Love Month is the perfect opportunity for financial professionals to encourage consumers to put their love into action by ensuring their family’s financial future with life insurance.

We have made it especially easy for NAIFA members to share this message with clients and potential clients by offering an extensive library of resources. These are available as part of your NAIFA membership and include:

  • Social media: Ready to use on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok. Use the prewritten captions as-is, or modify as needed. Use #InsureYourLove on your posts to amplify your reach.
    • Social media calendar
    • Videos and animations
    • Graphics
    • Cover photos
    • Get your NAIFA chapter branded “Proud Supporter” of Insure Your Love social media graphic here.
  • Flyers and email templates: Use in email campaigns, printed out or modified for other outreach and collateral.
  • Real Life Stories: Share how life insurance has helped real families and prevented financial hardship in the face of tragedy.
  • Adulthood Across Generations survey: Explore the data from our new survey.
  • Insure Your Love logos: Freely use the official logos on your website, intranet, emails, or other marketing collateral to show support for the campaign.

NAIFA has long supported Insure Your Love Month and other Life Happens campaigns, including Disability Insurance Awareness Month and Life Insurance Awareness Month. Now that Life Happens is part of NAIFA, a new world of benefits has opened to NAIFA members. 

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Texas NAIFA Texas NAIFA
3 min read

Maximizing the Value of Life Insurance: An Innovative Approach to Charitable Giving

By NAIFA-Texas on 5/21/24 8:44 AM


In the complex world of financial planning, life insurance remains fundamental. However, the traditional view of life insurance as merely a safety net is evolving, especially when it comes to enhancing charitable giving strategies. We invite you to join our us on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Eastern (11:00 am - 12:00 pm Central). This webinar is made available at no cost to both NAIFA members and non-members, thanks to the generous sponsorship by the American Cancer Society.

The webinar features:

  • Life Insurance as an Asset: Often underutilized, life insurance can be a pivotal asset in charitable strategies, providing more than just death benefits.
  • Life Insurance Valuation: Understanding the real worth of existing policies can open new avenues for financial planning, beyond the cash surrender value.
  • Maximizing Life Settlement Value: Explore how life settlements can transform life insurance into a tool for immediate financial flexibility and charitable impact.
  • Charitable Success Stories: Hear about real-world scenarios where life settlements have significantly contributed to the success of charitable endeavors.

After this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Identify Potential: Recognize clients who could benefit from reevaluating their life insurance policies in the context of life settlements.
  • Educate and Protect: Guide clients on getting their life insurance appraised for fair market value before making decisions about lapsing or surrendering their policies.
  • Implement Best Practices: Integrate life settlement strategies to safeguard client interests and minimize potential liabilities or reputational risks.

This webinar is an exceptional opportunity for advisors to refine their expertise in leveraging life insurance for charitable giving and to ensure their clients can make informed decisions about their financial legacy.

Don't miss this chance to expand your professional knowledge and enhance your advisory capabilities in a meaningful way. 



Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities #NAIFAProud NAIFA Texas
3 min read


By NAIFA-Texas on 2/1/24 9:34 AM


Once again for February, NAIFA is fully supporting the Life Happens annual Insure Your Love Month campaign. Life Happens has joined with NAIFA to serve as our consumer outreach and education arm. This month's theme, "How to say I love you," explores the difficulties many people have expressing their love and encourages people to protect their loved ones by obtaining life insurance as an act of love.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities #NAIFAProud Life Happens NAIFA Texas
1 min read

New Texas Political Maps Signed Into Law

By NAIFA-Texas on 11/3/21 6:13 PM

Redistricting is complete! The redrawn political maps for the Texas House, Texas Senate, and Texas Congressional seats were signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott on October 25, 2021. These maps were drafted and passed by the Texas Legislature during the third special session. Members, the Texas Tribune has a tool where you can view any changes to your district and representation!

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Standard of Care & Consumer Protection
1 min read

TDI Adopts Rules on Annuity Disclosure Forms

By NAIFA-Texas on 10/29/21 12:54 PM

Members, if your business includes annuity products, then this post is for you!

As a continuation of HB 1777 passed by the 87th Texas Legislature, Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) adopts rules about the forms an agent must provide to a consumer before or when recommending or selling an annuity. Any NAIFA-Texas member who sells annuity products should review this adoption and familiarize themselves with the new required forms. The rules adoption can be found here.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Standard of Care & Consumer Protection

It's Life Insurance Awareness Month!

By NAIFA-Texas on 9/9/21 3:29 PM

Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM) returns!

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Life Happens Life Insurance Awareness Month
1 min read

TDI Announces Guidance for New Annuity Course for Non-Resident Agents

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 8/25/21 1:23 PM

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) has issued a guidance of the new and revised annuities courses  state-licensed agents and non-resident agents will be required to take if they are looking to sell annuities on or after January 1, 2022. 

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Continuing Education

Best Interest FAQs Adopted by NAIC

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 7/27/21 1:59 PM

The Life and Annuities Committee of the National Association of Insurance Commission (NAIC) has adopted FAQs regarding the February 2020 Best Interest Model brought forth and implemented by the committee. 

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities #NAIFAProud NAIC Model Regulation
1 min read

June is Annuity Awareness Month!

By Bianca Alonso NAIFA-Texas Government Relations Manager on 6/17/21 2:34 PM

In 2010, the National Association for Fixed Annuities (NAFA) designated June as National Annuity Awareness Month (NAAM) to help educate Americans on the important role of annuities as part of a secure retirement savings plan. Annuities can be an integral part of your clients’ long-term retirement planning strategy, providing direction to help them overcome unnecessary risks and important optional benefits that help them to protect their financial future.

During the 87th Legislative Session, NAIFA-Texas played a key role in passing HB 1777.  This piece of legislation will require agent and insurers to follow a "Best Interest" standard for annuity products. To act in the best interest of the consumer, the agent is required to satisfy four obligations – the care, disclosure, conflict of interest, and documentation obligations. HB 1777 will harmonize the standard of care for annuities across regulatory platforms.

NAIFA-Texas is very excited this bill passed in time for Annuity Awareness Month. Click here to read more about annuities! 

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities #NAIFAProud Leadership Annuity Awareness Month
2 min read

Texas Legislature Passes NAIC Model for Annuity Transactions

By NAIFA on 5/20/21 4:21 PM

NAIFA-Texas has been hard at work ensuring that the Texas legislature adopts the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) model for a “Best Interest” standard for annuity products this legislative session. Partnering with Texas Association of Life and Health Insurers (TAHLI), we have met with multiple offices and other stakeholders to ensure clarity and support from those within the Texas Capitol. State Rep. Tom Oliverson, M.D. (R-Cypress), chair of the Texas House Insurance Committee is the bill's author.

On March 23, 2021, Jason Talley, NAIFA-Texas Past President, represented NAIFA-Texas by testifying in support of HB 1777 before the Texas House Insurance Committee. This bill passed unanimously out of committee and passed in the Texas House 144-1. Once it reached the Texas Senate, it was referred to the Senate Committee on Business & Commerce. Due to a time constraint before the first bill filing deadline of the session in early March, there was no Senate companion bill nor a Senate author. NAIFA-Texas and TALHI were able to get Chairman Kelly Hancock (R-Fort Worth) to carry this bill in his own committee. On May 13, 2021, this bill was heard in a formal hearing where NAIFA-Texas submitted written testimony in support. There was no opposition.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Legislation & Regulations State Advocacy
