NAIFA-Texas Blog

#TxLege Special Session: Round II

On Saturday, August 7th, the Texas Legislature gaveled in for the second special session of the interim. Texas Democrats broke quorum for the third time to deny the Texas House from passing any business, including the GOP high-priority elections bill. The issues on the Governor's call do not directly impact insurance agents or financial advisors. NAIFA-Texas does not foresee this changing. 

During the first special session, Texas Democrats left the state to go to Washington, D.C. and meet with federal legislators over election and voting related legislation. This left the Texas House at ease for 30 days. Texas House Republicans pushed to have law enforcement bring the missing state representatives back, however Texas lacks jurisdiction in Washington, D.C. Now during the second special session, it has been reported that several Democrats have made their way back to their districts.

On Tuesday, August 10th, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that Texas Democrats may be arrested for not showing up at the legislature. Last Tuesday night, House Speaker Dade Phelan signed 52 arrest warrants for Democrats who left the state.