NAIFA-Texas Blog

June is Annuity Awareness Month!

In 2010, the National Association for Fixed Annuities (NAFA) designated June as National Annuity Awareness Month (NAAM) to help educate Americans on the important role of annuities as part of a secure retirement savings plan. Annuities can be an integral part of your clients’ long-term retirement planning strategy, providing direction to help them overcome unnecessary risks and important optional benefits that help them to protect their financial future.

During the 87th Legislative Session, NAIFA-Texas played a key role in passing HB 1777.  This piece of legislation will require agent and insurers to follow a "Best Interest" standard for annuity products. To act in the best interest of the consumer, the agent is required to satisfy four obligations – the care, disclosure, conflict of interest, and documentation obligations. HB 1777 will harmonize the standard of care for annuities across regulatory platforms.

NAIFA-Texas is very excited this bill passed in time for Annuity Awareness Month. Click here to read more about annuities!